Social Hockey



The THA Summer 6’s program provides a modified format of traditional hockey, with 6-a-side mixed teams playing on half a field.   

Our program is designed for players of all ages and experience, so it’s the perfect way to get into hockey, connect with friends and family, and have fun.    

When & Where 

Toowoomba Summer 6’s runs for 8 weeks from October to December.  

Games are played at Clyde Park on Monday and Wednesday nights. 

Fees & Registration 

Players form their own teams then register as an individual.  

A registration fee per player will apply for each team you play in.   

Want to play but don’t have a team? Get in touch with us and we’ll find a team for you.  

Summer 6’s Format 

Games will be played across half a field on Turf 1 and 2.  

20 minute halves with 5 minute halftime and 5 minutes between games to allow time for teams to exit the field and the next teams to warm-up. 

6 players per team allowed on the field with up to 4 substitutes (total of 10 players). A minimum of 4 players is required to field a team.  

Teams can be mixed and there are no age restrictions – Anyone who wants to play, can play!  

Each team must have a Team Name, Team Colour and Team Coordinator 

The Team Coordinator will be the point of contact for the team and will be responsible for notifying the Competiton Coordinator each week of the availability and numbers of their team. 

Rule Modifications: 

  • Feet, backstick, obstruction and hacking rules still apply 
  • The ball can’t be raised above knee height 
  • No hitting 
  • No Goalkeepers 
  • Shoot from within the ‘D’ 

Equipment Required 

It is up to the each individual to choose if you wish to purchase playing and protective equipment.  

Protective equipment such as shin pads and mouth guards are not required but are highly recommended.  

THA have a limited supply of hockey sticks to lend to new players (sticks must be returned immediately after the game), but we strongly encourage new players to borrow equipment from friends or family. 

Get a team together and join in the fun of Social Hockey!